Saturday, May 31, 2014

A-Z Blogging Challenge

Thanks to Del Fonte for introducing me to the A-Z Blogging Challenge in June.  I'm totally on board for this, because my husband is gone for the whole month of June!  This way I will have to come up with things to write about.

The FAQ's for the challenge can be found here.  Basically, it involves going through the entire alphabet for the month of June, and blogging about a topic that begins with a new letter every day.  I'm going to try my best to make it all DD and/or spanking related, but we'll see (any ideas for X besides xylophone???).  If I stay on top of it, there will obviously be a lot to read on my blog this month.  Don't feel the need to get through all of it--I'm used to rambling on to myself!


  1. X-tra Spankings because you were so good? A red-faced X-ray technician who discovered your secret? Not sure how to work in xenophobia - give me a few weeks.

    Good luck while your husband is away.

    1. Oh yes, X-rays! Maybe an X-ray machine that can detect if you've been recently spanked (after the color has gone away)? Haha, thanks Leah!

  2. Good challenge! I like it.
    X (if you get that far, young lady...) is easy, or call me simplistic, for the first thing to come to mind was X-rated. ;)

  3. Ah yes, the good ol' X-rated topics!
