Sunday, June 8, 2014

Game of Thrones

This is my "It's Sunday and I'm Too Lazy to Write a Real Post, so I'm Going to Half-Ass It" post for the letter G.

Game of Thrones is on in 2.5 hours!!  I will be busy from 8:00 - 10:00 pm.  Please direct all calls outside of those hours.


  1. Oh gosh how much I love Game of Thrones (along with however many million other people)!! ava x

  2. If they don't wrap up the Tyrion story I will read the books between now and the start of the next season! LOL!

  3. Oh ladies, this episode made me cry :( It was SO good!! I totally agree, Brooke--if i start reading the book, I'm not sure I can stop reading when I catch up with the show.
